Three Reasons To Take Epsom Salt Baths

Helps with Your Magnesium Levels

Over 300 enzymes in your body require magnesium for proper functioning. Magnesium assists in stimulating muscle and nerve functioning, limits inflammation in the body, and improves the flow of oxygen and blood through the body. Having a magnesium deficiency can ultimately result in nerve damage which is linked to various psychological symptoms such as depression and anxiety.

Sulfate and magnesium are readily absorbed through the skin through reverse osmosis, which pulls toxins out of the body and brings in magnesium and sulfate into the body. Soaking in bathwater with Epsom salts can facilitate this transfer of minerals and toxins to assist in cleansing and rejuvenating the body.

Helps Manage and Reduce Stress

In times of stress your body’s magnesium levels lower and there’s an increase of adrenaline pumping through your system. Short-term stress is actually beneficial for the body, but when it’s prolonged too long it can result in many undesirable consequences such as obesity, blood sugar problems, insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, and other mood disorders. When Epsom salts are added to your bath, your body is replenished with magnesium. In turn, this helps in the production of serotonin which is a chemical that helps lead toward an improved mood, reduction of anxiety, and promotion of calmness. Taking an Epsom salt bath three times a week can also help reduce irritability and ultimately leave your body and mind feeling refreshed.

Reduce Pain and Inflammation

A warm Epsom salt bath is regarded as a sound strategy for relieving pain and inflammation – the root of most diseases. This makes Epsom salts an excellent treatment for sore muscles, headaches, bronchial asthma, and as an effective strategy for managing mood. Epsom salts can also work to heal cuts and reduce swelling from bruises and sprains. Bathing in an Epsom Salt bath can actually help to speed up the convalescence of cuts and other such injuries.