Business Plan

Top 5 mistakes to avoid when starting a Salt Therapy Business


Halotherapy, also called dry salt therapy, is a wellness trend gaining substantial traction in North America. This therapeutic practice involves spending time in a specialized room or booth known as a salt room. In these spaces, visitors breathe in micron-sized salt particles, which have demonstrated therapeutic effects. This practice is a modern-day take on the ancient salt caves that originated in Eastern Europe in the 19th century. The addition of a salt room to a spa or therapy business can be an intelligent strategy to diversify services, attract a broader customer base, and generate additional revenue. There have been reports of halotherapy relieving respiratory and skin conditions. Salt caves, or salt rooms, known for their healing purposes, are particularly effective at relieving bronchitis, rhinitis, sinus issues, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, and other respiratory diseases. Salt therapy has been shown to benefit skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis.
Though the allure of entering the burgeoning field of salt therapy is strong, it’s essential to remember that even the most promising business ventures come with their own set of challenges. Avoiding common mistakes can be the difference between a thriving salt therapy center and a failed investment.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction to Halotherapy: Halotherapy, or dry salt therapy, involves breathing micron-sized salt particles in a specialized salt room. Originating from the usage of ancient salt caves, it’s gaining traction for its therapeutic effects on respiratory and skin conditions.
  • Mistake #1: Trying to DIY – Hiring professionals for salt room construction is crucial to ensure code compliance and navigate the permitting process.
  • Mistake #2: Inadequate Marketing – Effective marketing, including pre-marketing efforts, is essential for the success of a salt therapy business.
  • Mistake #3: Lack of Market Research – Conducting market research helps understand the community’s needs and tailor offerings accordingly.
  • Mistake #4: Poor Salt Room Design/Construction – Considerations include space requirements, integration with HVAC, and selecting a high-quality halogenerator.
  • Mistake #5: False Ideas behind how Salt Therapy works – Pure-grade sodium chloride is essential for halotherapy, while other salts, like Himalayan pink salt, may be used for decorative purposes.

Mistake #1. Thinking You Can Do It All On Your Own

There are numerous situations where hiring professionals becomes the most prudent decision, and one such case is when you are building a salt room in your business. While it may be tempting to undertake the project yourself, bringing in professionals with specific expertise in salt room construction can provide numerous benefits and save you from costly mistakes in the long run.

Code Compliance

Code compliance and regulations are crucial factors to consider when constructing a salt room. Various building codes exist to ensure the safety and well-being of occupants. These codes often include specifications related to ventilation systems, insulation, materials used, and sanitation practices. Contacting a professional early in the planning process that has a deep understanding of these requirements is important to ensure that your salt room is compliant with all applicable local/state codes and regulations.
By adhering to proper standards, you can prevent potential safety hazards, mistaken purchases, and costly fines or legal complications that may arise from non-compliance.

Permitting Process

Navigating the permitting process can be a daunting task for those unfamiliar with the intricacies of local regulations. Obtaining the necessary permits for constructing a salt room can involve submitting detailed plans, acquiring inspections, and meeting specific criteria goverened by local authorities. Licensed contractors in the construction profession should be well-versed in the permitting process and can guide you through it efficiently. They can help you prepare the necessary documentation, communicate with local authorities, and ensure that all requirements are met.
This expertise can help streamline the process, saving you time and resources in obtaining the required permits. Their understanding of code compliance, regulations, and the permitting process can help ensure the successful construction of a safe and legally compliant salt room.


Mistake #2. Inadequate Marketing/Pre-Marketing and Promotion

In today’s competitive business landscape, having a great product or service is not enough. Without a solid marketing strategy and effective promotion, your business may struggle to reach its target audience and achieve the desired success. Underestimating the power of marketing can be a costly mistake businesses make.


Unlike the field of dreams, if you build it, they will not automatically come. It is crucial to build anticipation and buzz around your offering before offering a new product or service. Without pre-marketing efforts, your target audience may not even be aware of your upcoming launch. This can result in little to no interest or engagement when you finally unveil your product or service, making it difficult to generate sales and gain traction in the market.
Pre-marketing can include teaser campaigns, sneak peeks, and strategic partnerships.

Ongoing Marketing Efforts

Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that marketing is a one-time task that needs to be done only at the launch phase. However, effective marketing requires continuous efforts to maintain brand visibility and engage with customers. Neglecting post-launch marketing can result in declined interest and sales over time.
A comprehensive marketing plan can include various channels such as social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and more.
At Salt Chamber we provide Salt Room Consulting and Business planning with our service called TURNKEY. For more information about our TURNKEY Salt Room Consulting service call (855) 685-3924 or email us at [email protected]. Our team of salt therapy session experts are on standby to help

Mistake #3. Lack of Market Research/Knowing Community Needs

One of the most common mistakes salt therapy businesses make is jumping into action without conducting proper market research to understand their target audience. This mistake often leads to a lack of knowledge about the community’s needs, preferences, and pain points.

Market Research

It is essential to conduct market research as it helps businesses identify their target market, evaluate the market size, and understand the competition. By conducting market research, businesses can gather valuable information about their potential customers, such as demographics, preferences, and purchasing behavior. This knowledge allows entrepreneurs to tailor their products or services to meet the specific needs of their target audience.

Knowing the Community Needs

It is crucial for businesses to create a successful product or service. Understanding what problems the community is facing and how to solve them effectively is the key to developing a valuable offering. Without this knowledge, businesses risk developing products or services that may not resonate with the target audience or fail to address their pain points adequately. By neglecting market research and community needs assessment, businesses risk wasting valuable resources, time, and effort on ideas that may not have real market potential. This mistake can result in low sales, reduced customer satisfaction, and even business failure.

A good exercise for determining your market needs is to apply the – 4 W’s

  • WHO: Who are the people I serve?
  • WHAT: What are their pain points, desires, and wants?
  • WHY: Why would they benefit from Salt Therapy?
  • WHERE: Where do they learn about the benefits of Salt Therapy and how to get started with a new session?
To avoid this mistake, entrepreneurs should invest time and effort into conducting thorough market research to identify target markets, understand customer preferences, and anticipate emerging trends.
Building a salt room is a significant investment, but with the right planning and execution, it can be a valuable addition to your salt therapy business.

Mistake #4. Poor Salt Room Design/Construction

Salt Room

Space Requirements

The design of a salt therapy room isn’t bound by strict criteria, especially with ceiling height. There is no “ideal” height for a salt room. However, higher ceilings can offer the benefit of accommodating a skylight feature, potentially enhancing the natural ambiance of the room. This design choice could add an extra layer of relaxation to your client’s experience, making your salt therapy room a standout choice for those seeking this type of therapy. While there’s flexibility in the design, it’s crucial to consider the practical aspects of a salt room. This includes ensuring sufficient space for comfortable seating, room to move around, and storage areas for blankets or other comfort items. When planning the layout of your salt therapy room, remember:
  • Your clients should be able to move around the room comfortably.
  • There should be seating for the maximum number of clients you wish to accommodate at a time
  • Consider adding storage areas for blankets, pillows, or other comfort items
These practical considerations will help make the experience enjoyable and relaxing for your clients.

Integration with HVAC System

Maintaining an optimal environment within the salt room is crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of the therapy and the comfort of your clients. This often necessitates connecting the salt room to the existing HVAC system to control temperature and humidity. It’s important to balance the need for maintaining a specific temperature with the requirement of keeping the room comfortable for clients. Proper ventilation is another essential aspect to consider. This ensures the circulation of air and the dispersion of salt particles, creating the ideal conditions for halotherapy. It also helps in maintaining the longevity of the room by preventing excess moisture and salt accumulation. This is vital to keep the therapy effective and to prevent any potential damage to the room over time.
Note: Halogenerators cannot be connected to ductwork because the microscopic salt particles they produce cannot travel far distances or around bends and angles. This is why halogenerators must be flush-mounted on a wall protruding directly into the salt room or booth, rather than attached to ductwork.


The halogenerator is the most vital piece of equipment for any salt therapy room. This device grinds and disperses the salt particles into the air to create a dry salt therapy environment. When selecting a halogenerator for a salt therapy business, key factors to consider include:
  • Output: The halogenerator must be powerful enough to disperse salt particles effectively throughout the room. Commercial units with higher output are best for salt rooms.
  • Adjustable Settings: Look for a unit with variable output controls so you can adjust the salt density based on room size and conditions.
  • Durability: Salt room environments are tough on electronics so ensure the halogenerator is specifically designed for commercial use.
  • Noise Level: Pick a quieter model to maintain a peaceful ambiance in the room.
  • Compliance: Be sure the Halogenerator you choose meets safety standards for commercial use. At Salt Chamber, our best-in-class Halogenerators are QS, ISA, & UL certified and can stand up to heavy use, giving you peace of mind in the most important investment you’ll make in your Salt Business.
  • Warranty: Opt for a longer 2-3 year warranty to protect your investment in case of defects.
At Salt Chamber, our halotherapy experts can help you select the ideal halogenerator model for your salt cave, salt room, or salt booth based on its specifications. Investing in a high-quality unit from a reputable supplier is crucial for providing safe, effective, and relaxing halotherapy sessions. Contact us today to learn more about our selection of commercial-grade halogenerators perfect for salt room environments and salt therapy businesses.

Mistake #5. False Ideas behind how Salt Therapy works

In creating an optimal salt therapy service, it is necessary to consider that pure-grade sodium chloride is the only salt used for halotherapy. Dead sea salt, Himalayan pink salt, and other variances have no known benefits and should not be used for inhalation.

Buyer PsychologyFor Health: Pure-Grade Sodium Chloride

Pure-grade sodium chloride is specifically designed for halotherapy. Since halotherapy, also known as salt therapy, involves the inhalation of salt particles, a halogenerator would grind the pure-grade sodium chloride into microparticles. The micron-sized salt aerosol can then be inhaled and reach the part of the lungs known as bronchioles, providing relief for respiratory disease, lung disease, and other breathing problems. Halo Salt from Salt Chamber Inc. meets all requirements of the US Pharmacopeia, the Food Chemical Codex Standards, and the Salt Therapy Association.

For Beauty: Himalayan Pink Salt

If you’re looking to spruce up your living space, you might also want to consider incorporating decorative salts into your interior design. Himalayan pink salt, with its subtle blush color, has gained popularity as a unique décor item. This type of salt is obtained from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan and is known for its rich mineral content, which gives it a distinctive hue. Incorporating Himalayan pink salt into your décor can add a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any room, whether it’s in the form of salt panels, salt tiles, or salt bricks.
So, whether you’re looking to improve your respiratory health with pure-grade sodium chloride for halotherapy or adding a touch of elegance with Himalayan pink salt décor, understanding the different uses is vital.

Frequently asked questions

What is salt therapy?

As per the guidelines from the Salt Therapy Association, “Halotherapy, also known as Dry Salt Therapy, employs a specialized device called a halogenerator. This machine takes high-purity sodium chloride (salt) and breaks it down into fine particles. These tiny salt particles are then released into the air within a designated salt room, cave, or chamber. The resulting dry salt aerosol is beneficial for addressing issues related to both respiratory health and skin conditions.”
For more information, please visit the Research Articles page of the Salt Therapy Association website.

Is a Halogenerator Necessary?

Certainly, a halogenerator is indispensable for conducting dry salt therapy, also known as halotherapy. Without this crucial device, the therapy simply can’t take place. The halogenerator’s role is to finely grind pure sodium chloride and then disperse these particles throughout a designated salt room or SALT Booth®. This makes it the cornerstone of any effective salt therapy room.
The micronized salt particles are then breathed in to address respiratory issues and are also absorbed through the skin to alleviate skin conditions.
It’s important to note that the only type of salt suitable for halotherapy is pure grade sodium chloride. Other varieties like Himalayan salt or Dead Sea salt don’t offer respiratory benefits and are best used for decorative purposes only.

Do all salt rooms, chambers, and caves have a halogenerator?

Certainly, not all salt rooms, chambers, or caves are equipped with a halogenerator, but those that offer active halotherapy definitely are. A halogenerator is the key device that transforms a regular room into a therapeutic salt room capable of delivering the benefits of halotherapy. It does this by grinding pure grade sodium chloride into fine particles and dispersing them into the air. These salt particles are then inhaled by individuals in the room, providing therapeutic benefits for respiratory and skin conditions.

Salt on Walls and Salt on Floors?

An emerging trend that sidesteps the labor and cost involved in traditional salt wall construction is the use of Himalayan Salt panels and bricks. These not only beautify the space but also offer added therapeutic advantages, all without the need for extensive construction or high costs.
The core healing potential of a salt room comes from the aerosolized salt particles released by the halogenerator. While the room’s aesthetic and ambiance can amplify the overall experience, the type of salt used on the walls and floors may or may not contribute to the therapy itself. For instance, Himalayan salt is currently the only known salt that enhances the room’s therapeutic qualities.
Adorning the walls with salt is a laborious and time-consuming task that can also be quite expensive. The existing walls usually need to be prepped with plywood, and a safe adhesive is applied before the salt is either manually applied or machine-sprayed for texture. This process can extend over several weeks, especially if multiple rooms are involved. Additionally, property owners or landlords may need to give their approval for such modifications. As of now, there are no specific guidelines from OSHA or the FDA regarding this.
Adding salt to the floor can also elevate the sensory experience. However, several factors like the current flooring, baseboards, and entry/exit points must be considered. Typically, a specially designed platform is constructed to support the weight of the salt. Foot coverings are usually provided to guests to maintain cleanliness, and periodic maintenance is required for salt floors. The choice of salt for the floors is also crucial.