Equilibrium Massage Table

Personal Salt Sessions

Salt beds are popular among those looking to experience salt therapy on a personal, private level. They are similar to tanning beds, as you lay inside for a certain amount of time to achieve the desired result. You get a higher concentration of salt than you would by utilizing a salt room, so you don’t have to stay as long.

The beds provide a more personalized experience, as you can strip down to a bathing suit instead of staying fully clothed while sharing a room with others. It gives you intense exposure to the pure salt air while you are laying down in complete privacy listening to calming music or in silence. Typical sessions last for around twenty minutes.

Salt beds don’t take up much room in a wellness facility and can be incorporated with little to no change to the establishment. This makes them an ideal option for centers looking to bring salt therapy to their location, even if they don’t have a lot of extra space to work with. If you have room for a tanning bed, you have room for a salt bed!

There are many benefits to salt therapy from simple stress relief, all the way to enhanced respiratory health and healthier skin. The dry salts actually moisturize and detoxify the skin, allowing relief from eczema, acne, and psoriasis. The ions in the salt help to reduce stress and leave the client feeling a sense of relief after their session. As far as respiratory health goes, the salts help to clear the lungs and get rid of mucus and other toxic issues, which makes it easier for clients to breathe. Those suffering from COPD, bronchitis, sinusitis, emphysema, cold, flu, and many other conditions all find relief by incorporating salt therapy into their routines.

If you are an individual looking to try salt therapy- got for it! You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Even if you aren’t suffering from a particular condition, you will leave feeling great after your session!

If you are a wellness center looking to incorporate salt therapy- the investment is worth it. You will make a profit in no time, as not all facilities offer this therapy and it is becoming more widespread and in demand. Be the first to get the clients in your area, and they will become repeat customers quickly. They may even schedule their next appointment before they leave!