A Woman In A Salt Room With Custom Himalayan Salt Panels On The Walls.

Our Steps to Building the Perfect Salt Room

Are you looking to build the perfect Himalayan salt room? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Here at SALT Chamber, we specialize in helping new and existing spa business owners, health and wellness facilities, and destination resorts create their own perfectly designed salt rooms. 

Whether you’re looking for a small, intimate space or something larger and more elaborate, our team of experts will help you create the perfect salt room for your facility. 

Step 1: Design & Layout for building a salt room 

The first step in building a salt room is to let us help with the design and layout. Anything under 450 feet can work; from a walk-in closet converted to a single-person room, to a larger room with lounge chairs.

We know how to build a Himalayan salt room for spas, medical establishments, senior centers, destination resorts, hotels, fitness clubs, and more.

Room modifications, technical requirements (HVAC), and environmental concerns are all things we consider when beginning a new project. 

We know how to avoid expensive pitfalls and can set you up for success by looking for things like a fixed ceiling, adequate ventilation, and proper placement of the halogenerator.

During this stage, it’s also important to keep in mind that your goal is to create an environment that will make clients feel relaxed and comfortable, while also providing them with all of the necessary amenities they need during their visit. 

We take all of these things into consideration, and often soundproof rooms, or recommend that the chosen space is in a quieter spot in your building, 

Don’t forget the Halogenerator!

Halogenerators are the heart and soul of your salt room. Without one, you are simply sitting in a room decorated with salt. 

What is a halogenerator?

A halogenerator is a device that disperses microscopic salt particles into the air. The particles are incredibly small—less than five microns in size—so they can easily be breathed in without any discomfort or irritation. This is where Halotherapy does its magic!

SALT Chamber halogenerators are the only halogenerators that are UL Listed, CE Certified, and manufactured in a medical device facility. 

Breathing in these salt particles can aid in:

  • Reducing allergies
  • Easing the symptoms of asthma
  • Decreasing the respiratory effects of COVID-19/Long COVID
  • Aiding with congestion from colds and flu
  • Helping with skin conditions such as eczema, acne, and psoriasis 

In a world where pollutants are everywhere, having access to halotherapy can make a real change in your community’s health.

Step 2: Installing Salt Walls & Floors

Once you have determined what type of material you want to use for the walls and floors of your salt room, it’s time to begin installing them.

This is where having an experienced team of professionals comes in handy as they will be able to guide you through this process efficiently and accurately.

At SALT Chamber, we have a variety of design options, like salt bricks and custom Himalayan salt panels. Some of our designs include backlighting!

Step 3: Adding Finishing Touches

The last step in how to create a salt room is adding finishing touches such as furniture pieces, artwork, plants, and more.

If desired, these can be custom-made pieces specifically designed for your unique space or pre-made items that fit within your budget constraints. When choosing furniture pieces make sure they are comfortable yet durable enough to withstand heavy use over time.

Remember to leave space for ADA compliance, and if you are a business geared towards children, include age-appropriate decorations, toys, and games.

Music, lighting, and seating are important additions; you want your new clients to be able to fully relax and enjoy their session. 

How Much to Build a Salt Room? 

Building a salt room does not have to be expensive. Depending on its size and what type of materials you use, you can expect to pay anywhere from $4,995-$17,995 for the construction itself. 

Starting a salt room is an exciting venture that can bring numerous benefits to your clients. To make sure you’re well-prepared, you’ll want to take into account the cost of physical space and necessary real estate buildouts; halotherapy equipment such as halogenerators, décor, furnishings, and marketing expenses.

The cost also depends on whether or not you need to modify an existing area or build it from scratch. 

Our experience and expertise will transform your salt room construction project into a successful reality. We draw on specific areas of knowledge to formulate the perfect plan, from design through development. 

Additionally, we shape each step with input from you and other key players such as investors or general contractors — every detail is accounted for! 

With careful consideration upfront, you can have peace of mind knowing that everything will be done correctly. No time needs to be wasted, and no costly corrections later down the road.

The best part about building a salt room is the low overhead once your room is built. You can charge anywhere from $20 to $100 per session and it requires no additional staff. 

It is an excellent add-on to other services such as yoga, acupuncture, massage, IV Therapy, reiki, chiropractic care, and other medical offerings.

The only additional work that will need to be done is a short cleanup at the end of the day, and the single expense after the build is HaloSalt.

How to build a Himalayan Salt Room? Allow us to help!

Building a salt room doesn’t have to be difficult – especially when you have a team SALT Chamber helping you along every step of the way! 

Our experienced professionals understand all aspects of design and installation so that we can ensure each client receives exactly what they need in order for their space to look great while still being functional and practical for everyday use

For a copy of our 32-page Magazine Price Guide, contact us today to learn more about our steps for building the perfect salt room! We look forward to hearing from you soon! ()

Photo Credit: Unwind at Westclox, Living Well